
Our programme for the summer holidays at the Fliegerwerkstatt

We have a full two-week programme right at the start of the holidays:

22-26 July 2024 – daily from 10 am – 6 pm

Welding workshop and wood workshop

29 July to 2 August 2024 – daily 10 am – 6 pm

Mornings: wood workshop
Afternoons: sports & games

We look forward to welcoming young people aged 12 and over. Registration by e-mail to: – Admission free!

Festival furniture for public viewing at Tempelhof Airport

We have been building festival furniture for the public viewing on the apron of Tempelhof Airport for weeks.

So far, over 300 pallets have been used by the young people of the Fliegerwerkstatt – and there will be many more to build a total of nine seating islands for festivals.


Tickets for the Festival of Respect are available from Tamaja www.little-social-festivals! Be part of it! The European Championship kicks off on June 14!

Extension to the Luftschloss for the Atze Musiktheater

For the theater season at Tempelhofer Feld, we added a few more extensions to the Atze Musiktheater: Stairs, handrails, platforms and two advertising pillars were built in the Fliegerwerkstatt and assembled on site.

The e-mobile not only ensures fast transportation, but also provides a lot of fun!

Lounge Areas for the Hangars 2+3

Our young people have designed and built a seating area for the emergency accommodation and reception centre in Hangars 2+3 at Tempelhof Airport. Together with the refugees from the hangars the modules were planned to create spaces where people can come together in small groups.

Our funding requests for this project were rejected – but thanks to our loyal donors, we can still realise such ideas. Many thanks for so much support!

GIRLS’DAY at the Fliegerwerkstatt

At this year’s Girls’Day, six schoolgirls came to the Fliegerwerkstatt to gain their first experience in a wood workshop.

All of them easily managed to build their workpiece in the given time and were also able to socialise with the other young people over lunch.

Joint project with the ‘Jugendbauhütte’

Five young people from the Jugendbauhütte have been coming to the Fliegerwerkstatt with their instructor since mid-February. Together with the participants in our temporary learning group, they are building sturdy carpentry benches. A great opportunity to bring young people together and let them learn from each other.

The Jugendbauhütte is a project of the German Foundation for Monument Protection and enables young people to do a voluntary social year in monument conservation after leaving school.


And this is what the finished carpentry trestles look like, assembled without screws or glue:

10 years of Fliegerwerkstatt at Tempelhof Airport

We are celebrating 10 years of Fliegerwerkstatt at Tempelhof Airport! A special milestone that continues to inspire us!

Ten years ago, we signed the lease and launched the Fliegerwerkstatt.
Our mission of a social return on investment that we can all achieve together to support young people has succeeded. The many supporters, donors and sponsors, our partners, the volunteers and the Fliegerwerkstatt team have made this possible.

We are infinitely grateful for all your support and trust and wish everyone

a peaceful and happy Christmas and a good start to the New Year!

Welcome to the Fliegerwerkstatt

The new school year has begun, we welcome many new young people and do everything we can to ensure that they settle in quickly and feel at home.


The young people from our cooperation project ‘Practical experience and basic professional qualification for young refugees’ – 84 young people from seven school classes – each have a whole week in the Fliegerwerkstatt to get to know each other and us, to make their first products from wood and to try out tools and machines.

The first day begins with a specially built team game, then the first toolboxes and stools are made.



By the end of the week, the young people are already working together on larger projects and orders of the Fliegerwerkstatt: Building a round table tennis table for TURBULENCE Berlin, two boxes of sports equipment for the Anna-Lindh-Schule, three benches for the schoolyard of the Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium, a raised bed for the Westfeldgarten on Tempelhofer Feld and dismantling the Luftschloss at the Atze Musik Theater.

Cooking and having lunch together is an integral part of everyday workshop life. And anyone who wants to can also take a spin in our Boeing737 flight simulator or fulfil their own wish – for example, like two students from the OSZ KIM who are building a coffee table for their home.

The new school year has also begun for the welcome class at the Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium. One day a week is scheduled for the 18 young people as a practical day in the Fliegerwerkstatt.

After their first introductory projects, the young people are quickly involved in ongoing projects or realise their own ideas.

The enthusiasm for wood and metal projects has also spread to other young people at school. As a result, the number of participants in the Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium’s Fliegerwerkstatt work group, which was set up last school year, is also increasing.

Airport hut from 1923

To mark the 100th anniversary of Tempelhof Airport, we reconstructed the first temporary construction hut at the then new airport for the hangar of the German Museum of Technology. With the support of Günter Hujer, we were able to recreate the hut true to the original.